Lessons from a Client Experience That Didn’t Go As Planned


It’s no secret I’ve been working to get Caffeinated Sites up and running again. But you might not know why I took it down in the first place let alone exactly what needed changing and improving.

And let me tell you what - this story is a spicy one!

It started with a negative client experience, that - spoiler alert - ended well (praise God!)

But oh man, I learned a lot through it: 

The two biggest takeaways were:

1) I was not building a business that was very compatible with the way my brain works (thanks ADHD) and…

2) I was not structuring my offerings in a way that served my people well OR my family well.


Fully custom websites are BIG endeavors. Like really big. I don’t think people understand the task list involved with custom design and development. And when the client doesn’t understand that, it makes for an even bigger job. It’s just the truth of the matter.

For this particular client, the workload was even higher. There was a membership site AND a front-facing website. It was a huge project - one I undercharged for to be totally honest. But I was so excited to work with this client and I am still so very happy I did! It was an amazing opportunity and such a fun experience on the whole. One that resulted in a friendship and valuable lessons learned. But the middle bit? That was tough. Really tough.

The main issue that came up - 

I created too much stuff for the client. 😳

(And some miscommunication, which is a story that doesn’t need telling.)

Stick with me a minute.


I assumed that because it was a big project and the client was investing a lot (albeit not quite enough, but that’s a separate conversation for another time) I needed to create MORE for her investment to be “worth it.

And WOAH was I wrong.

I learned that when people pay high ticket prices they don’t expect MORE they expect FAST. Which totally changes the game. I created so many additional brand assets for this client - ones the client was OVER the top grateful for - but they also slowed down the primary objective. Which was to launch the website.

There are so many more lessons I gleaned from this experience. I may share on the podcast someday, but for now, I want to take a moment to expand on this one. 

Because I’m not the only one who has made this mistake.
I see people do it all. the. Time. I’ve even warned clients against this!

But it’s a lesson that can’t seem to be fully learned until it’s experienced I think.

It made me consider all of the almost-entrepreneurs and the side-hustlers and solopreneurs who have big, God-given goals they are so eager to pursue, but they spend all day getting lost in the weeds of the “extras”.

Unable to gain traction in their business.

Watching everyone else around them rise to the top. They are left wondering “What the heck is wrong with me!? Why can’t I do this?”


It’s emotionally exhausting on a level that’s difficult to put words to.

How do you know what’s the top priority and what’s not?

My guess is that you, like so many, know HOW to do the work - but probably not WHEN?

In what order should things be done?

How do you create a plan and launch with strategy and accomplish ALL THE THINGS without losing your mind!?

Well, after trying (a lot) and failing (A LOT) I feel confident in walking you through how to do this.

In part, you just have to try and fail and then try again. It’s rough, I get it. But that’s just how it goes. All lessons will eventually be learned through the process of trying and failing and trying again. 

That said, you can be intentional in how you approach things to pad your fall - so to speak. Like the knee pads, my 6-year-old wears while riding her bike without training wheels.


1. Seek God’s will.

Pray. Ask for His guidance. Read His words. Surrender your precious goals, ambitions, dreams, and expectations for yourself to Him - and trust Him with them. 

(If you're looking for a way to enjoy reading your bible again (or maybe for the 1st time) - I HIGHLY recommend The Bible Recap as a resource!)

2. Consider your client's journey.

 If you’re launching a product soon start to create things in the order that you need your client to experience them in. This is a really good starting point!


3. Take the time to create a strategic plan.

 (Did you see this one coming by this point?) I know I’ve talked your ear off about it, but it’s because it’s THAT important. Truly.

4. Seek the guidance of a trusted mentor or experienced entrepreneur.

 They don’t need to be miles and miles ahead of you - just one or two steps ahead.

 That’s even better. Why?

 Because when someone has experienced a level of “success” that’s THAT far ahead of your journey they start speaking a different language, a MUCH more experienced language.

 It becomes harder for them to go back and explain a more “beginner” topic. Which is not a bad thing! But it’s also probably not what you need right now.

That’s why I offer Strategy Calls and Back Pocket Mentoring & Consulting. I can walk you through this WHOLE process. It’s so much fun! And I can guarantee it will give you a level of clarity you’ve not yet experienced in your business. It’s a pretty big deal.


So how does all of this relate to Caffeinated Sites?

I pinky promise it does! If you’ve stuck with me this whole time, give yourself a round of applause. You’ve earned it.

In walking through so many missteps and failures, especially with the client project I mentioned above, God revealed to me just how much the whole process took SO much of me. And not just of me, of my clients, and most importantly, of my family. I knew something needed to shift.

I wanted to go all in on selling templates - but for whatever reason I felt blocked. I don’t have the right words to explain it, but between life circumstances, a HUGE miscommunication with my husband, and my adorable mental drama I was blocked. Stuck is maybe a better word for it. 

Have you ever felt that way?

That’s when the Strategic Plan came in.

Fast forward to today, I’ve launched my consulting business, refocused my podcast More Than Ambition, and the next piece of the puzzle is Caffeinated Sites!


My mission is to help kingdom-minded entrepreneurs walk in alignment with God’s will for their businesses and lives through business development and biblical discipleship. 

Because I believe the two go together like Christians and trademark infringement. (😅 - or peanut butter and jelly or whatever.) 

Okay, but really. You can’t have one without the other.

Caffeinated Sites leans into the practicalities of business website strategy and development.

Your website is a culmination of hours and hours of work, prayers, hopes, research, and planning all strategically put together to help you to serve your people well.

It’s a big deal! There is a lot to consider and a lot to plan for. And it should be handled with strategy, intentionality, and humility. 

I took down Caffeinated SItes for a time because I realized - I was making it HARDER on my clients to accomplish that. Not easier.

The templates were too clunky.

The workflows were too complicated.

The messaging missed the mark.

And so I needed to try again.

Can you see the theme here? Fail. Try again. Fail. Try again.

 I’m tempted to blame my ADHD.

I’m tempted to be down on myself for needing to keep “starting over” and continually refining things. But that’s not the truth - or at least not the full truth. 

The full truth is that God made me ME on purpose. And he has, and will, fully equip me and all of my circumstances to do whatever work he sets before me when I seek Him.

I do not need to white-knuckle my way through things like I’ve always done - like I’m still prone to do.

I do not need to overcomplicate and overburden myself (or my family or my clients.)

I do not need to throw in everything and the kitchen sink to make my work worth the investment. 

I just need to do the work set before me. And do so with intentionality, humility, and surrender.

And to do that? I need God.
I need His words to replace my own.
I need to be kinder to myself.
I need to take accountability and take action.

It all feels a bit overwhelming.

But like a good overwhelming.

Looking back on my journey, even just a year ago, I’m amazed at what God has helped me overcome. Or, in truth, what God has overcome FOR me.

And it all started when I finally decided to let go.

And I’d like to invite you to do the same.

It’s my earnest prayer that in the next few weeks as I re(re)launch Caffeinated Sites God will get ALL of the glory. That anything good that comes from my effort would right point back to His endless goodness.

 And that it would all serve as a reminder to you that it’s okay to try, fail, and try again.

That you would be reminded that your dreams are safe with God.

And that would be encouraged to seek God’s will eagerly, and expectantly. Asking Him to give you the faith and discipline to follow through by the power of His spirit alone.

These website templates mean a lot to me.

 And I’m confident that even if it’s not something I pursue forever, in this season, right now, at this very moment - THIS is where God wants me to be.

Selling strategic, conversation-driven templates will allow me to better serve you, to better serve my family, and to better prioritize my relationship with God.

I am excited! I am hopeful! And I am anticipating many more lessons learned.



Your website is the hub of your business - it’s your goals and dreams set into motion.

Here at Caffeinated Sites, my goal is to help you take the drama (and price tag) out of getting your website launched so you can energize your business aglorify God in all you do.



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