I Don't Want to "Build an Empire"


I don't want to build an empire.

I don't want to be Insta-famous.

I don't want to have accolades or fancy titles.

I don't really care about status.

What I care about is that you see God working in me, through me, and everything I touch.

Don't get me wrong.

I want to be good at what I do. Really good. I want to do everything I can to use all of the resources that I can to learn, grow, and improve. But I want to do it all for God's glory alone. My prayer is that He might use me to help you, and driven men and women like you, who dream of turning their passion into a business.

My prayer is that God is the CEO of my business and that I will use every skill, resource, and tool at my disposal to give Him my very best work.

What I want is to see purpose-driven Entrepreneurs pursuing God's will for their business and ultimately their lives - even if that means laying it all down.

Being an entrepreneur is not the definition of success.
Trusting God with everything, even our most precious and bold dreams is true success.

In short, being obedient to God is where true success lies.

I have struggled with this as long as I can remember. Truth be told I assume I will continue to struggle with this. Because at the end of the day, I am wicked and in desperate need of a savior.

I've tried to white-knuckle it for far too long.

So here is to going against the narrative the world shoves in our faces and looking to God alone for change, success, justice, love, and comfort. Here's to asking God to give us the strength and humility to look to him alone, even (and perhaps especially in) our businesses.

I'll drink to that! 🍻


If building a business is something God has called you to also, I’m here to help!

Your website is the hub of your business - it’s your business set into motion. Here at Caffeinated Sites, my goal is to help you take the drama (and price tag) out of getting your website launched.


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